Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Donation!

The Kickstarted project got its first donation today. Hurray! I am still trying to spread the word. I have also got a few people who have come up with some neat ideas for dice. I will try to make a few images to show off the ideas and post them as them come.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pacman Dice Set

One of my first ideas for a set of dice was the Pacman characters. The dots on the dice are the same as the ones that Pacman eats. The characters will replace the one side of the dice, and the other five sides will be the traditional numbers. This is a nice design because it uses simple shapes and solid colors. Maybe I will make a dice with the different fruit bonuses. Let me know what you think.

I may make some renderings of my other ideas too. Here are a few:
Mario Bros '?' block
First 6 elements on periodic table
Military NCO ranks
Marvel Comic hero symbols

Custom Made Dice

I have been trying to think of various rewards for the kickstarter project. It is important that contributors get something they can hold for their donation. I have tons of ideas for things I can use my mill for, but one of them that I think will appeal to a large group of people are custom made dice. I am a fan of table top gaming and I have a soft spot in my heart for dice.

As a reward I will mill a set of five dice. Donators can send me a design and I will engrave it into the dice. I even plan on adding some paint to the engraving to make it stand out more. I have several ideas of my own, but would love to hear from you.

Kickstater Project Created

The process is started! I have been designing this mill for over a year and realized I would not be able to purchase the parts needed any time soon. Then it hit me. Why not try Kickstarter? Once working, I could use the mill to make parts for those people who donated.

One of the reasons I want this mill is to make custom circuit boards for prototyping my projects. However, custom circuit boards are very expensive. One of the low level rewards is a custom made circuit board.

This entire project will be open-source and details of the design will be made available here once the mill is running. I also plan on making the 3D SolidWorks files available for download.